
Price : 4985 USDIn stock
Chemiluminesence flow cell with either single inlet or double inlet placed in a protective enclosure. The GloCell enclosure provides simple power and communications ports and light shielding for the photon counter
Global FIA has developed a unique, high-sensitivity chemiluminescence (CL) flow cell that can accommodate rapid CL chemistry. Methods have been developed for H2O2 and Fe II. This cell has been described in a paper entitled Chemiluminescence Detector with a Serpentine Flow Cell by Jessica M. Terry, Jacqui L. Adcock, Don C. Olson, Duane K. Wolcott, Cassie Schwanger, Lauren A. Hill, Neil W. Barnett, and Paul S. Francis (Anal. Chem., 2008, 80 (24), 9817-9821 • Publication Date (Web): 17 November 2008).
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